
Rechargeable Repairs

If you have caused damage to your home, whether this was accidentally or not, it is your responsibility to get it repaired.

You may wish to carry out these repairs yourself, or you may want to employ a skilled professional. This may depend on the type of works required to complete the repair.

You are responsible for the costs of these repairs, and you can expect us to check to make sure the repairs are carried out to the required standard.

If we are required to carry out any repairs on your property that are as a result of accidental or deliberate damage caused by you, family members or visitors to your home, the cost of the work required will be charged to you.

Please see our Rechargeable Repairs Leaflet for more information.

Our vision is at the heart of the service we provide to our tenants, we work to a clear set of values.

Aiming to deliver high quality customer service & provide high standard homes for our tenants.

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