

Bushbury Hill EMB provides a comprehensive housing management service to council tenants on the Bushbury Hill estate.

The Tenancy Team believe that a locally based service is vital so we do all our work from the Management Centre in the heart of Bushbury Hill.

The Tenancy Team manage the tenancies, this covers a lot of different areas of work which include:

  • Advertising and letting empty homes
  • Handling housing applications, transfers and exchanges
  • Managing tenancy amendments and terminations
  • Responding to reports of nuisance or breach of tenancy
  • Carrying out Tenancy Audit inspections

When being signed up by your Tenancy Officer, you will receive a 'Tenancy Guide Booklet' Click here to view the booklet.

Tenancy Officers

Each street in Bushbury Hill has a dedicated Tenancy Officer, this provides you with a consistent point of contact for anything relating to your tenancy.

Click on the officer name to see who manages your street and how to contact them:

Monica Flash

Louise Peate

Lisa Ellam

Tenancy Audit

This is an inspection on your home and garden to check that it is being kept to the standard required by your tenancy agreement. We also check that the occupants are the lawful tenants and that we have your household details up to date and accurate. Your tenancy officer will contact you when they need to carry out a tenancy audit. It is a condition of your tenancy that you allow us access to your home to do a tenancy audit.

Fire Safety

Your safety is a priority, we recommend that all tenants have a free "safe and well" visit you can book this online at the West Midlands Fire Service website or phone them for free on 0800 389 5525 and one of our excellent local crews will arrange to check your home and give you fire safety advice.

Our vision is at the heart of the service we provide to our tenants, we work to a clear set of values.

Aiming to deliver high quality customer service & provide high standard homes for our tenants.

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