Our Values

At Bushbury, our aim is to deliver high quality customer service and provide high standard homes for our tenants. Both our board and staff team share this vision and are constantly striving for excellence in everything they do.
Our Values:
- Respect – We respect each other and our tenants. We celebrate diversity of our community and will serve all residents in both a respectful, fair and equitable manner.
- Team Work – Together (Board, staff, members, residents and partners) can achieve more.
- Tenant Focused – Run by tenants for tenants. To provide services reflective of our residents needs and priorities. To value our residents' opinions and to encourage involvement and participation.
- Excellence – Tenants striving for excellence. To provide the best possible service to our residents.
- Commitment – We are committed to providing an excellent service to our tenants and committed to a continuous improvement approach.
Our Vision:
- The EMB is committed to delivering high quality, customer focused services to all our tenants and to keep our homes maintained to a high standard.
- Ensure we provide effective, inclusive and accessible forms of communication, consultation routes and involvement opportunities for all our residents.
- Working in partnership to improve our area and environment.
- To eliminate social and financial exclusion and sure equality of opportunity and access to services for everyone.
- To have robust governance procedures and to work transparently.
- To deliver long term investment in the homes we manage through the Better Homes Partnership.
Our vision is at the heart of the service we provide to our tenants, we work to a clear set of values.